Sunday, January 29, 2006

We promised more pictures... we deliver

We just got back our first roll of film from our new manual focus camera and wanted to share some of the results with our blog audience. We are very, very impressed with the way it takes pictures. On the actual prints the colors came out gorgeously, and the images are all very crisp and clear (where they are supposed to be).

Patty took this shot of one of Gabe's toys in the sunlight

And this one of Gabriel

We also picked up a set of photographic magnifiers so that we could use the camera to really get down close to things and take some detailed shots. They look like this: ...and they work great!

Gabe's toe
Have we mentioned lately we're going to Peru? Yeah, we're so excited that we're taking pictures of the guidebook. We're going to set up a new shared album on Shutterfly with the rest of the pictures. If you want to be able to see them, send us an e-mail. Everyone who saw the last shared album will be able to see this one too.