Every day after school, we listen to the themed lunch show hosted by Mara Davis on 92.9 FM. Today's theme was "questions", so we requested Bob Marley, "Is This Love?" via e-mail. Not only did she read our e-mail on the air, but she also told Gabriel to have fun at the dentist. She talked right to him! We thought that was super cool.
To commemorate the occasion, we gave him The Tooth Book, by Dr. Suess, and read it to him on the way. Once we were there, he played Sonic on their Playstation and then watched Daddy get his teeth cleaned before his turn. When it was G's turn, he was the perfect patient and had no cavities. They suggested, based on the grooves in his teeth, that we have sealant put on them to prevent cavities that could form even if he brushes well. We will try to persuade insurance to cover that procedure before we have it done, though.
After they were finished with his appointment, they gave him a nice goody bag full of fun stuff, like a pencil with a tooth mirror topper, a treasure chest for his teeth when they fall out, and a cool toothbrush with pictures of fruit on the handle.
We couldn't be happier with how this appointment turned out!