10 Things I Love About My Husband:
- His smile, which was the first thing I ever saw him wearing. It seems that his soul shines through that smile
- His adventurousness, which makes for great vacations
- His talkativeness. He can talk about anything. We just had a 45-minute conversation about Hitler with interruptions here and there to talk about orthodonture
- His brilliant mind, which possesses knowledge about everything from thread count to historical debates to the names of 50 shades of brown to how to design and build an airplane
- His sometimes blond, sometimes brown hair, which is so fun to toussle
- His connection with nature, which makes us feel like we're making breakthrough discoveries each time we walk through our yard
- His singing voice. Nothing sounds better than hearing him sing to Gabriel
- His balance between childish enjoyment of life and adult wisdom and responsibility. We may do the New York Times crossword puzzle in the morning and then play a video game at night
- His patience, which he needs with me as a wife
- His generosity. Pregnancy was so easy because he made breakfast, lunch, and dinner just about every day, as well as almost all of the housework, so I could get my rest. And I never even asked.
- +1: The way he inspires by example. He teaches me about being a good spouse and a good parent every day
10 Things I Love About My Wife
- Her freckles, which stole my heart
- Her dedication to her task, whatever it may be, that makes it impossible for her to give up until the job is done (and done right)
- Her brilliant mind, which seems to know something about everything on Earth and well beyond.
- The way she always seems to know exactly what I need, when I need it, without me having to say a single word or make a single gesture.
- The way she can switch from mother to wife in an instant, and is always eager to be a wife first.
- Her amazingly inquisitive nature and the way she asks questions about everything
- That she loves baseball, puts up with my rants about Michigan football (mostly), and most importantly keeps my perspective on what is really important.
- Her musical talent, which she greatly downplays.
- That she never, ever, needs make-up to look gorgeous and that she is so uncomplicated.
- Her absolute and never ending patience with me and my quirks.
- +1: Her adventurousness, which can turn even a routine trip to the store into an exploration of places we've never seen before.

p.s. Neither of us knew the other had actually listed 11 things. Guess that's #12: we think alike.
p.p.s. Amazing parallel between our #1s and #3s. Huh.