We’ve had a great weekend, and now it’s back to the grind. Back to the grind, that is, with the exception of the packing. The countdown is on to the big move, and we are determined to be prepared for the movers, since we now know what kind of damage extra boxes and bubble wrap can do to our wallets.

On Saturday, Gabriel took us to Jake’s birthday party. It was also Diana’s and Diana’s mom’s birthday party, so it was a big day at the Fleming household. We had a great time (Gabriel playing with aquaintance Mackenzie in photo), and the food was super fantastic because they had a great caterer.

We were surprised to see pretty severe storm damage in the Highlands, because it hadn't even rained at our apartment a scant two miles away the night before. The house across the street and over one from this one had just been sold, and those people have to be thanking their lucky stars because their house wasn't even touched. We were happy to see that it didn't look like there were probably any injuries from the tree in this photo, but those owners are probably not very happy anyway.
Dad drove overnight and tried to get himself on a daytime schedule at Chris and Yolanda’s on Saturday, but he ended up sleeping until our bedtime so we had to wait until Sunday to see him. On Sunday, we had some lunch at Ray’s, drove out to our new house to show Dad and test our new cell phones (he loved it and they worked great), went to church, had a quick carb-loading, and M and Dad went to pick up Gail just in time to meet her at baggage claim.
The Fourth of July is one of the biggest days of the year for us. It’s the day of the Peachtree Road Race, and this year was our third in a row. After running in extreme heat and even more extreme pregnancy in the past, this one was a breeze. In fact, Matt didn’t even train and did great. None of us got a PR this time, but we all had a blast. We added on a couple miles of walking because we went home and realized that Gail and Gabriel were at the park, so we had to go back. Thankfully, no one minded the mix-up.

After the race, we all went back to the apartment and took up every horizontal space with our sleeping bodies. We were a tired bunch. At around 3:00, we finally headed up to Chris and Yolanda’s for barbeque. Dad made his famous teriyaki pork, and we had pasta salad, beans, and turkey dogs. Yum! It rained, and we were having fun anyway, so we didn’t go watch any fireworks.
Today, P&G spent some time at Starbucks and Barnes & Noble, and Gabriel made lots of friends as usual. We had a great time, and Chip got a book called Planes. After work, we all went to Ikea, and no one vandalized our Jeep this time. We bought a few things for the kitchen and picked out a faucet for our new kitchen and possibly some new lighting.
The packing has begun. Over the weekend, we packed two boxes of books, and today Gabriel helped his Mommy pack all of our movies, four more boxes of books (we have a TON of books!), a box of framed photos, and another box of photo album stuff. We're trying very hard to be ready for the movers so we don't have to use any $8 boxes and so we can get them on their way as quickly as possible.