Today marks the 53rd anniversary of the day that West Virginia gained a native son and the world gained - well, we're not quite sure, but we'll let you know when we have it figured out! Happy birthday, Dad! In honor of his birthday, here are a few photos we managed to get together:

Dad's the sketchy-looking one on the right, Melvin on the left always looked the same, and Joe Joe in the middle doesn't look so scary now
Dad looks a little more clean-cut here with his big brother and best friend, Melvin
Joe Joe and Dad practicing their cheer for homecoming
We thought you'd enjoy this look back at the many faces of JWK.
In other news, Gabriel fed himself with a spoon and a fork today with a little help. Also, and this is huge, he ate pad thai! We had a spicy and limey chicken pad thai for dinner, and Chip couldn't get enough. Forget the walking, our little boy is eating Thai food! We are so proud, sniff sniff...
We saw a luna moth tonight. We'd read about them, not only in our favorite book, The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay, but also on the internet while researching the big moths that have been visiting us. We knew that we are in their range, but they've always sounded like they are almost mythically rare and we never expected to actually see one. After reading so much about their beauty and seeing many photos of them, we still weren't prepared for the amazing creature we saw dancing before our eyes tonight. Its wings were a vivid green, and its body was a brilliant white. It was flying a little clumsily, but when it briefly landed on the window sill near the kitchen sink, it held its wings out and literally took our breath away. We can't believe that we find moths interesting, but there is such a large variety on our kitchen windows at night that we can't help but notice them. We're even starting to record the varieties we can identify, along with the frogs, turtles, etc. that we find on our property.
Anyway, Happy Birthday Dad! Your presents will be in the mail soon, even though you have us - isn't that present enough? Ha ha ha!!!