Sunday, September 30, 2007
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Four Years!!!

On a completely unrelated note, I heard the funniest thing today. A couple of parents we know, who shall remain nameless (okay, it was Lisa and Mark) told their son that they had to send his pacifiers to the astronauts so they could fix the space station with them. Ha ha ha ha ha!!!!! What will NASA think of next?
Sunday, September 9, 2007
Our First Print
As some of you know, we have recently acquired all of the necessary equipment to start our own darkroom. This evening, we shipped the little one off to Bun and Papa's house so we could set it up (sorry, G, you lost your bathroom for now), figure out the f-stop and exposure time using test strips, experiment with chemistry a little, and got down to business.
Here is our second print, which is the same as our first one. The first one resides at Bun and Papa's as a thank-you. It's an 8x10, and it's black and white, although it was all white that day anyway...
We think that it could be improved by using a filter to increase the contrast a little bit. We also need to be careful with our negatives in the future, because you can see two small scratches on the photo.
If you have something you'd like printed or enlarged/reduced (at this time up to 8x10, because we don't have bigger paper yet, just send us the negative. It would be a nice surprise for someone you love for a birthday or holiday. We will start charging soon, so take advantage of our kindness now while you still have the chance! {If you're reading this blog, chances are we'll never charge you anyway...}
Thursday, September 6, 2007
What's Been Going On
Granddad paid us a visit, and the boys all had quality bonding time.
We got Pa-Pa a slot machine (well, technically a pachislo machine) for his birthday.
Todd and Jane (and little Alex) got stranded in Atlanta for the night during a layover, so they rented a car and come to visit us. We hadn't seen them since our wedding, and we had a blast.
We celebrated Christopher's birthday twice! Here's the second party, at his house. G is not next to a mirror; that's Joshie.
Mattypie turned a year older, and we had a fun day. G wanted to help open the presents.
We don't have digital photos of Laura's and Mom's celebrations, but I did get a good snap of a different sort this afternoon. As I was working on birthday stuff at the kitchen table, I asked G what he was doing. He replied, "Just cleaning up." He was silent for a while, so I asked again. He said, "Just nothing. Just cleaning up." So I walked in on this:
He had found the sunscreen and thought it would clean the floor very well. Incidentally, he also helped apply the second coat, which was Endust. The floor looks beautiful. We may have to use his method again next time.
We will be beginning to develop our own film and print our own photos, so look for those results in the near future.