Saturday, December 27, 2008
Follow me on my trip
I want to share my trip with you:
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Follow me on my trip
I want to share my trip with you:
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Follow me on my trip
I want to share my trip with you:
Read more about FirePin at
Follow me on my trip
I want to share my trip with you:
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And Away We Go!
We are on our way to the great white North, and you can follow iour progress here. We are still learning this program, but either it will automatically update or we will do it as we drive. Bon voyagey!
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Here's the Wolfgangs' tree. Emily got all of her ornaments when she got married last year, so just imagine!
Well, Jesus Was Born In The Desert, Right?
G and I are wearing tee shirts (and I in shorts), eating ice cream. It's 70 degrees F. We just heard Annie Lennox singing Winter Wonderland on the radio, and now it's Bing Crosby singing Silver Bells. Our neighbor mowed his lawn the other day, not exactly Christmas preparation where we're from, but what can you do? This is still a novelty, even after living here for years. Merry Christmas!
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Our Favorite Ornament
G made this in school and kept it a secret until he gave it to us on Thursday at his class party. We love it.
Happy Tree
We decorated our tree. We are well on our way to having a Wolfgang tree - they have so many ornaments, you can't even see the tree! We think more ornaments = happier tree.
<p>We are more or less done decorating. We've already started shopping, so we are more prepared than usual this year.
<p>We hope your holiday preparations are going along swimmingly, too!
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Sunday, December 7, 2008
O Christmas Tree
We are at the Sleepy Hollow Christmas Tree farm, and we've chosen our tree. Here it is. We think it's perfect, how about you?
Friday, December 5, 2008
Fondue It Up!
We are at The Melting Pot. I am wearing my skinny jeans. I will be undoing a button on the way home. Woot!
Thursday, December 4, 2008
G Reads!
We're so proud of him!
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Family Fun Day, Pre-Christmas Edition
After our quick jaunt to Stone Mountain we went into "our city" (as G calls it) and stopped at Atlantic Station. We didn't exactly mean to spend most of the entire day there, although to be fair we didn't exactly know what we were going to do once we got there. We enjoyed walking around to the shops and seeing the sights again, and G really loved running around the "Central Park" area. We took the opportunity to stop at Ikea so that Chip could reaquaint himself with Smalland (which he had mostly to himself) and we could wander around furnishing our imaginary condo in the city in our heads. G was surprised to see that we got him an alien mask and after he opened it there was nothing we could do to get it off of his head. Then we realized it was time for the "snow" to fall at Central Park. We remembered how much G loved it last year and hustled over to check it out. Naturally G made a lot of friends while we were waiting and we all had a blast throwing foamy "snowballs" at each other. I think M got the worst of it.
We finished it off with a quick bite for dinner at Moe's and then headed for home. The Chipster was so tired that he didn't even object when we suggested splitting up his bedtime story into two installments. It was a really wonderful day.
Yesterday wasn't all fun and games, though, as Chip the model will show you below. Patty finished a hat bound for North Carolina and it looks great!Friday, November 28, 2008
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
When You Wish Upon A Keyboard...
Okay, now it's your turn. Tell us what you want!
Monday, November 24, 2008
Good Meat
I think lunchmeat tastes so much better when it's wrapped in paper. There's something so satisfying about unwrapping it, like you're opening a present. A yummy present of meaty goodness.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Drivin' And Bloggin'
We used to do audio blogging from our phone, a long time ago, but now we're going to attempt this a new way from our phone. I may even figure out how to include a photo. It would be cool to post from the top of a mountain or some such craziness. Well, if this works, I can say goodbye to boredom in the car (as a passenger, of course!).
p.s. It worked! Woot!Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Family Time

Since G's behavior has started to reflect our stress levels lately (and the tougher the discipline, the worse it gets), we have been making an effort to give him extra love, extra attention, and extra fun. Today, for example, after school he had a doctor appointment. He knew that he was going to get shots. So on the way there, we stopped at Walgreens so he could watch Mommy get a flu shot first and see that it isn't a big deal. We took his special blanket, his pillow, and Charkie, as well as lots of food, snacks, juice, and toys, with us to the doc so he would have every comfort. We even brought his stamp pad and "smile chart", along with his Very Big Prize Blackarachnia for him to earn with his bravery. It helped that he got to do hearing and vision tests, which were very fun for him. By the time we left, he was thanking me for bringing him to the doctor (did I mention he got 4 shots, including the painful flu shot?). He loves Dr. Barfield!
From there, we went to Goldberg's Deli for bagels, and then to Cumberland Mall, to kill time before tutoring. It was a very special treat for Chip to go tutor with me, because it's usually too late for him and he misses playing with Christian. They are good buddies, and they played great together today.
G even got to eat Moe's for dinner, which is his favorite. Since he's never up late anymore, he was so excited by all of the lights and being able to see inside all of the businesses on the way home. It was adorable. He got a bath at home, and we had just enough time to play two games of Cariboo (M 1, G 1, P 0).
This kind, gentle approach definitely works better than anything else. He's been super great this week.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
My Store - Shameless Plug
Also, you can now become a "follower" of our blog by clicking the link you see on the left that says "Follow this blog." Easy, right?!
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Grief, Hard Work, and Celebration
First: Matt's beautiful grandmother Eileen Kranz, passed on yesterday afternoon. Not only has she been more dear to Matt than can be expressed in words, and not only did she share a good deal in raising him to be the person he is, but she also was admired and loved by me, her granddaughter by marriage, and by her great-grandson. I will let Matt write more about this when he sees fit, because I think this is his story to tell, or not tell. But I will say that we will miss her on Earth very much, and we will work hard to replace the sadness in our hearts with loving and lasting memories.
Second: My yarn partner abruptly quit our little venture three days before our craft show, so I had to rush to complete more items, get together all of the marketing stuff like tags and business cards, gather supplies and props, print patterns to sell, and other things in only 3 days. I haven't talked said much about this to our friends, because they know her too and I don't want to act inappropriately, but it's a very odd situation and one that I did not provoke. I'm trying to remain tactful about everything, but I can't help but feel angry, even as I'm trying to let go of the anger. We will have to explain to G that he will no longer be able to play with these friends of his, but what do we say? I just wish that whatever she's going through didn't have to involve the kids. Anyway, facing this craft fair as a sole vendor was one of the scariest things I've done in a long, long time. It was also a heck of a lot of work, but I'm extremely proud that I was able to face the challenge and still keep my wits about me. I would not have been able to do this without the nonstop and unquestioning help of my beautiful husband, my mom being at our beck and call and basically taking care of G for 4 days straight, and the support of my amazing friends. But today, I faced my fear, didn't make a fool of myself, and completed my goal. It feels really good.

This one found a really great home!
Skye needs an adjustment. But check out her new awesome 'do!
Joel is better at flying airplanes than Christophers.
The view from my table. Well, more like from above my table...
This evening, we were invited to a Clue dinner party at our neighbors' house, so we dressed as Mrs. Peacock and Mr. Green. If you look closely, you can see I'm slipping a wrench into my purse. I don't think Mr. Green noticed, do you? Also, check out the question mark baked into our dinner. Fran is a terrific chef!
Not bad for a minister and a widow, eh?

Saturday, November 1, 2008
The scariest thing about Halloween was the voting line!
We Baracked the vote yesterday, and it turned out to be an all-day affair. It took us about 3 hours, 30 minutes. G was a complete angel the entire time, and we were proud that it seemed that everyone within an hour wait of us complimented us on his behavior. People two barricade lines over were leaning over, and we heard people even farther back talking to each other about him and how they couldn't believe a kid that age would be sitting so calmly. If only he always acted so well, life would be so much easier!
Here are some pics from the line. You can see that nearly everyone had something to read or, in my case, crochet. The yellow pages are sample ballots. We did not hear a single cross word; everyone seemed to be happy to be there, and nobody complained about the line even once. We were all probably just happy we wouldn't be in the even longer wait come Tuesday.

Gabriel got a lot of really great candy (most of which he probably won't be allowed to ever eat!), but most of all enjoyed his special Halloween treats of Echo Echo (one of the aliens that Ben Tennyson can change into) from Bunnut, his transforming calculator from Bun, and his spooky Halloween bouncy balls from Mommy and Daddy. After the kids slipped into nice, carbo-crash enduced sleeps, the adults checked out the Checkwood's new Wii purchase: Guitar Hero World Tour, which comes complete with drums and a microphone. We got the band back together again and had a great time until the wii (ha ha) hours of the morning. We love Halloween!