Sunday, November 29, 2009
Happy Birthday, Ushi!!!

Friday, November 27, 2009
Happy Thanksgiving!
G really liked the way his toy cars all fit together and thought they looked like a big puzzle.
We were all excited for the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade on TV and hope to see it in person one year. Chip decided that all of his animals would like to watch, too, so he brought them all down from his bed. It was a good thing, too, because Spiderman and Beary (from Build-A-Bear Workshop) saw themselves on TV.
We are THOSE kind of people, who are fanatics about their favorite recipe. We use this recipe, which involves brining, variable heat, and aromatics. Here are before, during, and after photos of our bird.
We went to Jack's, Jen's, and Baby-In-Belly Kelly's house for dinner with Bun and Papa, and Jen's parents and brother. We had lots of great food, wine, and dessert and played a few games. The favorite game of the night was Euchre, for which it is hard to find players here in Georgia. It was a great day, and we hope you had a great Thanksgiving, too.
Friday, November 20, 2009
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Getting Ready For Thanksgiving
At school, Wednesday was Goofy Glasses Day, to celebrate their letter of the week, G. Of course, G is our favorite letter, too! He chose to make his sunglasses into Santa glasses, and he even thought to make the beard removable so he can put the glasses back together as sunglasses.
Our soccer team banquet was on Tuesday evening, our usual practice day, at Steak 'N' Shake (but we'll still call it a banquet - it was delicious). I was Team Mom again this season, our coach was Tara, and our assistant coach was Heidi. We all thought that we had a relatively close-knit team this year - both the kids and the parents all got along so well. We think it was a sign of the great group of people that every single family attended the banquet (except for one due to illness). We can hardly wait for next season. Go Raiders!
We are realizing that for elementary school, Thanksgiving is a really, really big deal. They have been doing Thanksgiving-themed activities since November first, and yesterday they did Thanksgiving centers through all of the kindergarten classrooms (centers are educational activity stations). All of the kids had the opportunity to have their faces painted. We really like how Chip's turned out, and we wore it all day, even through his trail dance class. Today is his Thanksgiving show, and we are so excited to see him in his first recital.
Speaking of dance class, we found a dance studio and will tell you all about it soon. He will start the Monday after Thankgiving. We think he is going to do great!!!
Friday, November 13, 2009
Fall Climb
It's such a beautiful, warm and sunny autumn day, that we decided to enjoy Kennesaw Mountain. We have great views of the colors, and the animals are in full frolic today.
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Falling Into Autumn
Monday, November 2, 2009
Kroger Math
We are at Kroger for our school's Math Night. G is using the grocery store to do addition, subtraction, comparison, and shapes. This is really fun, and it is giving us ideas how to work teaching moments into our grocery trips (as if he needs more teaching moments from us). Lots of teachers and administration are here to cheer them on, and at the end, a big reward: a cookie and apple juice!