That consumed most of our time, energy, and thought today, but Gabriel, having no understanding of the importance of this subject, continued to do his own thing. That "own thing" involved spreading books over as much of the floor of our apartment as he could until he ran out of books, wiping what little of the floor remained uncovered with his belly, sticking to his mommy like white on rice for much of the day despite her efforts to get him to take a nap, and getting up and walking around on his walker all by himself.
After living extremely frugally these past few weeks, we decided to celebrate our house decision by going to Starbucks for a treat. We went over all of the paperwork for the offers, while Gabriel flirted with the co-eds at the next table. The attention inspired him to be very vocal in the cafë, and we loved hearing the happy talk and laughter.
Dad A called and said that Gabriel's high chair should be arriving tomorrow, so we are very excited about that. It's the one that we picked out at Ikea but was out of stock. He and Gail found it last week and have sent it to us. It will be very nice to be able to sit up straight while we feed him. We have been sitting on the floor with him in his walker, and when we do sit in a seat, we have to bend over and get a backache. We are also excited to put his little velour cover on the seat for le petit prince.
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