Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Happy Birthday, Part Two

Patty got a surprise from Jack today in the mail. It was part two of her birthday present. In addition to several Syrian and Jordanian candy bars, he included a neatly folded American flag and a certificate that says:
This is to certify that the accompanying flag was flown at Task Force Rhino Headquarters During Operation Iraqi Freedom 04-06 in the Al Anbar Province of Iraq on 15 April 2005. This flag was flown for Patricia L. Angle
It's signed by SgtMaj A. Johnson and LtCol R. A. DeForest. It's so cool! That was so thoughtful and even more cool than the message in bullets! He put a note in the package that says, "Happy Birthday again! Love, Jack." A big huge thanks to Jack for the awesome present!!! We think that we might want to put it in a flag frame rather than fly it, so it doesn't get destroyed by the weather.

M&G after the game

Gabriel had a very fun day today. At playgroup, he got to swim and play with Jake, Zoe, and Jonah. Later, we all had fun at the softball game. Even though the other team, Security and Fire Services (catchy name, huh?), had to forfeit due to lack of players, they still scrimmaged. Matthew was 2 for 3 with 2 singles and a fly ball to shallow center field. He fielded like a pro, with 4 putouts (no grounders hit right to him).

Here are some pictures from playgroup:

G&Jake:  twins?
Gabriel and Jake: twins?

Gabriel in the pool
Gabriel splashing with a nervous mommy (in a great outfit) watching

G smooching Zoe
Gabriel smooching Zoe

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great pictures!
