Tonight we would like to present to you this month’s Urological Nurse in the Spotlight: Cindy Angle. That’s right, Gabriel’s grandma is finally getting a bit of attention for all the hard work she has been doing for the past 28 years and especially the past year or so. While she’s always been eager to go above and beyond the call of duty for her job (not to mention her son), these days Cindy is doing even more. In addition to all of her duties at the office, she has been giving talks to other doctors’ offices about interstitial cystitis. Recently she was asked to be in the journal for her professional society, the Society of Urological Nurses Association. The article is great, and can be found here:
Between the article about Jack that the Marines put online a week or so ago and the article about Matt’s mom, people in our family seem to be getting a lot of ink. Stick around, maybe you’ll show up in something, too.
Today was hot here in Atlanta, really freaking hot. It hit 92 today and felt like a lot more. The air conditioning in the Jeep was barely able to keep up with the demand. Matt got a haircut today, and Patty and Gabriel came along. Patty is thinking about doing something drastic to her hair. Thinking about it. So we had a consultation session with Nicholie while she was cutting Matt’s hair. Gabriel had a good time crawling around on the salon’s floor and did his usual charming of the crowd.
The heat drove us to take refuge in ice cream. Marble Slab Creamery was our destination tonight, since we’re still bemoaning the loss of our favorite gelato establishment. We feel like we’re lucky because they’ve had double chocolate ice cream the past two times we’ve been there in a row. Sadly, this isn’t always the case and Patty took advantage of it tonight.
We’re looking forward to the holiday weekend and Matt’s dad and stepmom coming into town. We’re going to continue our Fourth of July tradition of exhausting ourselves by running the Peachtree Road Race, this will be our third year out of three. We haven’t been able to prepare like we’d have liked because Gabe has been with us, but we’re going to do our best. Actually, we know Patty (and Matt’s dad) are going to do really well, it’s mostly just Matt that we’re worried about. Oh well, he’s got three days to train, right? That should be plenty for 6.2 miles.
Gabriel fell asleep on the couch tonight in the arms of both his parents. He even rolled over in his sleep. As he was rolling over, he smiled and gave his Mommy a big kiss - all without once opening his eyes.
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