Monday, September 25, 2006

Radio Gold

Here are a few photos from the past week:

G and Mommy went to the park last week and fed the ducks:

Next, this is the WORST you will EVER see P, taken at the hospital at her sleep study - she was so taped up that her hair poked out wherever it could, her glasses were a tight fit, and she couldn't move her face enough to smile. It's so bad that we just had to post it:

Here is one of the most awesome shirts ever, from Aunt Laura:

And finally, here is what G wore today, which Daddy calls his "Billy Joe" shirt, after the lead singer of Green Day:

We watched the series premiere of Heroes today, and without having read a single review (so we don't know if anyone else likes it), we very highly recommend it. By the end of the show, we found that we actually cared about these characters. Six Degrees also was very good, and we are looking forward to Ugly Betty. Check them out!

In other news, we heard the best radio EVER tonight. The DJ knew that he was going to switch over the the Monday Night Football halftime performance feed in 3 1/2 minutes, so he didn't want to risk cueing up a song that didn't line up perfectly. His solution? To read from the script of The Goonies. The "wishing well" scene. All the parts. Now that's radio gold.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Patty you look beautiful!