Ollie turned seven months old this week, and today is our nine-year anniversary. Gabriel scored his first goal in Academy soccer last weekend, and school is going very well. It is a good time. Here are some things we thought you might like to see:
Michigan football has begun, and other than a soccer uniform on G, this is the standard uniform. |
Ollie got to sit in a high chair for the first time! He also got to ride in a shopping cart last week. |
We attended the Improving Birth National Rally For Change outside Piedmont Hospital. |
Ollie was so eager to eat food, but other than the first time, this has been the standard reaction. |
I told him to give Daddy a hug. |
He is learning to crawl and starting to say, "Mama." Also, we did brownies from scratch this time, and quelle difference! |
Ols has the best big bro, and G has the best little bro. We are lucky, lucky parents. |
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